Because we are 100% volunteer-managed, financial contributions are first and foremost. Throughout the year, we welcome donations through this secure website. Using the button above, you can donate any amount, or select a package to fund an entire family. If your donation is in honor of someone, please indicate so. You can even designate your donation as a monthly contribution.

Scroll down to see more ways to support our foundation’s mission.

Donate Your Vehicle

CARS makes it easy to donate your used vehicle. They take care of every detail. They will arrange to pick up your vehicle and once it is sold, they will send you the donation receipt for tax purposes. This link will take you directly to the Me-One Foundation page on CARS website to start the process. You can also call CARS for more information at 855-500-7433.

Donate During Big Day of Giving

Make sure to subscribe to our e-newsletter to be notified about the Big Day of Giving 2024 and all other chances to give of your time or your generosity. Follow us on Facebook, too! We thank all our donors!

Donate Via Venmo

If you have a Venmo account, you can donate directly to the Me-One Foundation through the Venmo for Charities service, easy to do securely from your phone. The Me-One Venmo account is @me-onefoundation. You’ll notice when you go to our account in the Venmo app, you’ll see a blue checkmark indicating this is a verified Venmo charity account.

Donate Stock to the Me-One Foundation

The Me-One Foundation is now providing a secure, fast, and simple web-enabled service to donate publicly traded stocks to the Foundation. You get the tax benefit, as outlined by your tax advisor, and Me-One gets to support more deserving families! You can find more details here.

Donate a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

Talk with your financial planner about how, if you are over the age of 70 and 1/2, you can donate directly to The Me-One Foundation from your RMD funds. There is paperwork involved, and there may be a tax advantage for you, so look into it if you qualify.

Raise Funds on Facebook

If you are a Facebook user, you can solicit donations to your favorite non-profit. The directions are really simple, and it works! The Me-One Foundation is registered as an official non-profit, so the process is ready for you to use. Just follow the easy steps and watch the donations accumulate. Some people do this to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or just because! Read how to do it here.

Donate by Check

To maximize your donation, rather than using a credit card, please mail a check payable to Me-One Foundation at PO Box 135, Roseville, CA 95678. If your donation is in honor of someone, please indicate so. The Me-One Foundation’s Tax ID number is 20-5853443.

Donate by Check Monthly Automatically

Set up your online banking to automatically send a monthly donation to the Me One Foundation at PO Box 135, Roseville, CA 95678. What could be easier? And Me-One Foundation receives the entire amount with no processing fee.

Be a Sponsor for the Me-One Foundation’s Annual December Gala

Each year we hold a fundraising gala on the first Thursday in December, which makes up the largest portion of the funds needed for Camp Wieser. Follow our Facebook page for event notifications about how and when and where to attend. In addition, make sure you subscribe to our e-Newsletter. Registration links can be found on our Events page, but wait until closer to the date. We are always looking for volunteers and auction items for this event. Email us and we’ll assign you a task!

Spread the Word!

Another way to contribute is to share our Social Media posts. When you see a post on Facebook, or an email from the Me-One Foundation, pass it on to a friend. It’s powerful. Share, share, share!!!

Star Donors

We can never find enough ways to thank our amazing supporters whose contributions, both financial and in-kind, give us the means to send families to Camp Wieser each year. Some of our supporters find ways to contribute to our mission throughout the year. Here’s a quote from our President, Christine Gearing, about the Lyon Roseville office’s passion for charitable giving, specifically the amazing Sharon Crowley:

“The Foundation is very grateful for the support of the Lyon Roseville real estate office and to our tireless volunteer and Lyon Realtor, Sharon Crowley for her support in the community and at Camp Wieser. We could not continue our mission to Keep Life’s Scoreboard at Cancer-Zero, Me-One without this support.”

Here are recent donors. Wouldn’t you like to add your name to this list? Do it now!

Fund a Family – Super Stars Donors ($2000+)

100+ Women Who Care Sacramento Valley Chapter $10,030

Roseville’s Citizens Benefit Fund $7500

Lyon Real Estate from Lyon Cares Foundation of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation $5000

DeMolay of Northern California $3000

Anonymous Donation $2500

Mikuni Charitable Foundation $2500

Gold Star Donors ($1500+)

Silver Star Donors ($750+)

Bronze Star Donors ($500+)

Colin Grahl and Karen Hauber Gift Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust